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Personalized Nutrition The Blood Type Diet Blog - 4YourType

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Brain Washing. The Good Kind.

Jul 9th, 2024

by Dr. Emily D'Adamo

Brain Washing. The Good Kind.

Every night when we go to sleep, our brain enters the cleaning cycle. This cycle, known as cerebral autophagy, is the process by which our bodies get rid of old or damaged parts of the cells. The name ‘autophagy’ comes from the Greek words auto (self...
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What to Know about Vitamin D and Your Immune System

Jun 10th, 2024

by Blood Type Diet

What to Know about Vitamin D and Your Immune System

When you think of vitamin D, you probably think about sunny days. It makes sense since our bodies create vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight. The “sunshine vitamin” is well known for helping the body absorb calcium and build strong,...
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Calcium: Everything You Need to Know

Jun 3rd, 2024

by Blood Type Diet

Calcium: Everything You Need to Know

You’ve most likely heard at one time or another that calcium is a key component for women striving to maintain optimal health. But why? What is its importance? Are all calcium supplements the same? How does blood type impact calcium requirement...
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Personalized Nutrition for Every Stage of a Woman's Life

May 6th, 2024

by Blood Type Diet

Personalized Nutrition for Every Stage of a Woman's Life

Over the course of her lifetime, a woman’s nutritional needs will change several times. From infancy to adolescence, from motherhood to menopause, change is constant. Good nutritional care is the key to navigating each transformation.ChildhoodChildre...
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Out with Detoxes. In with Cleaning.

Apr 22nd, 2024

by Dr. Emily D'Adamo

Out with Detoxes. In with Cleaning.

Let’s Do Some Spring CleaningI’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of “detoxes.” We have mechanisms in place that detoxify volatile and toxic compounds every day without us even feeling it. While detoxing is definitely important, it’s a pretty comp...
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The Scoop on Turmeric – Thousands of Years of Wisdom

Apr 15th, 2024

by Blood Type Diet

The Scoop on Turmeric – Thousands of Years of Wisdom

The Scoop on TurmericWhen culinary trends collide with science-backed health benefits, it’s always good news. And turmeric sits right at this intersection. Right for all blood types, this golden spice is delicious in both sweet and savory recipes...
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Influenza and The Blood Type Diet

Jan 3rd, 2024

by Dr. Peter D'Adamo

Influenza and The Blood Type Diet

“The flu” is a virus that is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. People mistakenly label influenza, a variable infection, as everything from a stomach bug to the common cold. The most common forms of influenza are the A (both strains H1N1 and...
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How to Stay Healthy Through the Holidays and Beyond

Nov 16th, 2023

by Blood Type Diet

How to Stay Healthy Through the Holidays and Beyond

It’s difficult to keep up with healthy routines day after day, month after month. But for many of us, November and December are especially challenging. With falling temperatures, shorter days and the overall stress of the holiday season, it can...
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The Blood Type Diet: It's More than Just Weight Loss

Sep 7th, 2023

by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo

The Blood Type Diet: It's More than Just Weight Loss

Many people first come to the Blood Type Diet for weight loss, but they stay for far different reasons. Not just for weight loss, the Blood Type Diet can support the health of your body from the inside out. The nexus of your overall health is t...
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