In June 2007 I was in my local bookstore, The Healthy Dragon, when I noticed a woman reading a book about the Blood Type Diet. I was curious about it so I decided to purchase the book. I told the store owner, “I'm just curious about this, but I'm already pretty healthy so I don't think I will see much difference.” The owner responded, “I think you will be surprised.”
I began to follow the diet for my Blood Type, Type O, and noticed right away that my face looked thinner. So I got on the scale and found I had lost six pounds. Then I realized that my knees no longer hurt, and I was amazed. All my life I have gotten small infections each time I got a paper cut or even a minor scratch. One day I was on my boat and I cut myself. I usually carried Neosporin ointment with me, but this time I didn't have any. I planned to treat my cut as soon as I got back to dry land, but I forgot about the cut and did nothing. A few days later, I remembered the cut and when I looked at my hand I saw that it had healed by itself without the ointment. This had never happened to me before.
At 77, I take no prescription medicines at all and I feel better than I ever expected to at my age. I will be forever indebted to Dr. D'Adamo for sharing his wisdom and to the many members of the Blood Type Diet online forums who were always so quick to jump in to respond to my posts when I had a question. I did not need to lose weight; my issue was to maintain my good health and this I have done far beyond my expectations. I am a Blood Type Diet loyal fan forever.