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Turkey Breast Strips with Cannellini Bean Dip

Aug 30th, 2017 by The Blood Type Diet

Few meals are as satisfying as the ones you can pick up in your hands, dip in a delicious sauce, and eat. This recipe fulfills that age-old pleasure and does so in a way that is far healthier than most other options. Perfect to pack and take on the go, this recipe was featured as part of our Kids School Lunch compilation, a collection of three unique recipes that make for a perfect packed lunch. The other recipes included a Quinoa Salmon Salad and Trail Mixes Right 4 Each Type. Make all three for a meal that your kids can take to school or you could take to work with equal ease!

[ Serves 1-2 ]


  • 1 turkey breast, grilled
  • 1 can of cannellini beans, drained
  • ½ cup of feta cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a food processor, blend the cannellini beans with the feta and a drizzle of olive oil. Use the pulse setting until the mixture is smooth. Season to taste.
  2. Grill the turkey breast and then slice it lengthwise into long strips.


  1. Use carrot sticks, or any vegetable stick you like for this dip to pair with the turkey strips.
  2. Blood type O non-secretor should avoid dairy, so swap the feta cheese with fragrant herbs like scallions or chives to bring a punch of flavor to the dip.